Saturday, September 29, 2007
Wall'd :(
What the title said, I've been wall'd. Many of you may not have knew this, but I have an evil side to myself.. well today I did. I was bored today so I decided to lure the dragons to the entrance just to make people mad ( stupid me), then I decided to speed to make it easier (even stupider me). And the result? I got wall'd in the castle maze. So now you know, I won't been seen ingame as xtremepunkx ANYMORE. I am now going to be Kolossus ingame. So yeah. On the bright side, the admins smartened up and have been walling cheaters nonstop today. This may be a start to another golden age of Endless-Online. Also, I'm SO sorry that I haven't been posting lately. I'm just real busy in real life, and I barely have any time to play the game period. Though, there's a newbie guide in the works.
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Created a new guild!
That's right, I have officially created a new guild, check it out the topic about it on the eo forums:
If you want to join, post in that topic, or pm me ingame.
If you want to join, post in that topic, or pm me ingame.
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Well you see, my posts have been sort of.. well.. boring. And I realized that my blog really hasn't been interesting lately, so I'm going to start posting more and give you longer posts, interesting posts, and more helpfull hints just for you.
1. Titles/ Title Accounts- As most of you know, a lot of people have been selling title accounts. Three words... Whats the point? All a title does is show up in your paperdoll and on the online list. Half the time people dont even see it, so dont waste your money on them, they aren't worth it. I've seen people selling low leveled title accounts for over 100k. If you see Immolation selling them, don't buy it. He has prices way over the roof, it just isn't worth it. The most you should pay for a damn title account is 20k for a level 1 Title account.
Titles are for people who actually joined in V21 and under. What's the point of pretending you did? I wouldn't feel proud.
2. The terms,"Newb, N00b, nub, nubzor, nab, etc.." - Okay.. what is wrong with you people? I literally hear the term "noob"every 5 minutes of gameplay. Lets go over what newb actually MEANS. A lot of people say if you joined earlier, you're not a newb. That is NOT true. Newbs are people who have no intelligence for the game whatsoever. For example, if you see a level 40 player with actually no intelligence of Endless-Online, he is a newb. If you see a level 1 that can answer any question about Endless-Online, then he obviously is not a newb. To sum this up, newb means no intelligence of the game. It does not mean low level, a stupid person, an idiot, a poor player, or any of that.
Now I have something related to "Newb". That's right, Oldbie,midbie,etc. Many of you have seen that if you joined like v12 and under you're an Oldbie, V13-V19 You're a Midbie, and V20+ You're a newbie. Just ignore it. Did Vult-r Create these titles? No he didn't. Therefore just ignore it, nobody really cares what version you joined.. or at least you shouldnt.
3. Are you a trainer or a merchant?- Just a simple question. Many people in this game just plain out train, that's all. Many people just merchant. So which one are you? A trainer or a merchant? I'd call myself a little of both. Most of my time on Endless I spend my time making money, but I do train a little, though I'm only level 16 which is low considering I joined version 22. Anyways, just comment what you are, sort of interesting.
4. Picto's awards- Very cute, picto. Lol. It turns out Endless Times won an award for upcomming blogs, or whatever it was. What my question is: Was there any voting? Eh, whatever, just glad to see that EoT times won.
So that's it for today, good luck players! Remember, always play fair.
Creator of EoT
1. Titles/ Title Accounts- As most of you know, a lot of people have been selling title accounts. Three words... Whats the point? All a title does is show up in your paperdoll and on the online list. Half the time people dont even see it, so dont waste your money on them, they aren't worth it. I've seen people selling low leveled title accounts for over 100k. If you see Immolation selling them, don't buy it. He has prices way over the roof, it just isn't worth it. The most you should pay for a damn title account is 20k for a level 1 Title account.
Titles are for people who actually joined in V21 and under. What's the point of pretending you did? I wouldn't feel proud.
2. The terms,"Newb, N00b, nub, nubzor, nab, etc.." - Okay.. what is wrong with you people? I literally hear the term "noob"every 5 minutes of gameplay. Lets go over what newb actually MEANS. A lot of people say if you joined earlier, you're not a newb. That is NOT true. Newbs are people who have no intelligence for the game whatsoever. For example, if you see a level 40 player with actually no intelligence of Endless-Online, he is a newb. If you see a level 1 that can answer any question about Endless-Online, then he obviously is not a newb. To sum this up, newb means no intelligence of the game. It does not mean low level, a stupid person, an idiot, a poor player, or any of that.
Now I have something related to "Newb". That's right, Oldbie,midbie,etc. Many of you have seen that if you joined like v12 and under you're an Oldbie, V13-V19 You're a Midbie, and V20+ You're a newbie. Just ignore it. Did Vult-r Create these titles? No he didn't. Therefore just ignore it, nobody really cares what version you joined.. or at least you shouldnt.
3. Are you a trainer or a merchant?- Just a simple question. Many people in this game just plain out train, that's all. Many people just merchant. So which one are you? A trainer or a merchant? I'd call myself a little of both. Most of my time on Endless I spend my time making money, but I do train a little, though I'm only level 16 which is low considering I joined version 22. Anyways, just comment what you are, sort of interesting.
4. Picto's awards- Very cute, picto. Lol. It turns out Endless Times won an award for upcomming blogs, or whatever it was. What my question is: Was there any voting? Eh, whatever, just glad to see that EoT times won.
So that's it for today, good luck players! Remember, always play fair.
Creator of EoT
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Yes! An update!
That's right, Eo-Times has come out with something new today. What is it?
Scroll down to the bottom of the page to find out. Eo-Times has it's own message board. If it isn't working to register and such, please post in comments and I'll help you out.
Scroll down to the bottom of the page to find out. Eo-Times has it's own message board. If it isn't working to register and such, please post in comments and I'll help you out.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Rather busy lately, sorry for not posting, etc.
So I've been really busy lately, and I'm VERY sorry for not posting for a little while. I only have a few things to say, so yeah.
-YFL was reborn recently, and I had to join due to the fun of YFL and the lulz we have together as the "bad" guys of endless. Great guild, great guild
-Training tip: If you train at the biters, get a multi client somehow and put an alt infront of where they spawn. It wont hit the alt aslong as the monster doesnt get trapped and it can move back and forth. This works because you wont have to run back and forth for potions, etc. I'll post a screenshot of it later, it's VERY helpfull.
That's all I have to say for now, so good day.
-YFL was reborn recently, and I had to join due to the fun of YFL and the lulz we have together as the "bad" guys of endless. Great guild, great guild
-Training tip: If you train at the biters, get a multi client somehow and put an alt infront of where they spawn. It wont hit the alt aslong as the monster doesnt get trapped and it can move back and forth. This works because you wont have to run back and forth for potions, etc. I'll post a screenshot of it later, it's VERY helpfull.
That's all I have to say for now, so good day.
Sunday, September 9, 2007
Personal Break
I'll be taking a break from Endless and the internet for awhile. I've been really busy with school this year and other things. So this means I probably won't be logging on Endless, updating the general player guide, or djing on ice radio. You will probably still see me on the Endless forums and on msn but it will be a little less often. I won't be gone for long probably just a couple weeks. Anyways thanks for the continued support.
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
This is Madness!
As the title says this truly is madness lately in Endless. First off Vult-r logged on opening up the jail doors for a short time releasing most of the cheaters that were jailed the previous days. Arvid worked so hard I'm sure to track down all those people and jail them. So what is Vult really thinking is what I would like to know. He has never really been the type to tell the Endless community what he is thinking. One thing I wish Vult would do is give us reasoning for his actions. I hope there is a method to his madness or he will at least learn from his recent mistakes.
Next up players have found a major exploit to break people out of jail. Whats the point of having a jail anymore if they can't keep the cheaters in. I really hope this gets fixed soon and the people exploiting this glitch on both sides the ones in jail too should be punished. I think a ip ban would do nicely for anyone that has broken out of jail and the people on the outside should be thrown in jail themselves. Wicked too I do not agree with his methods and it's causing more harm than good.
Now that there are a bunch more cheaters running around Endless I think more serious action should be taken. Repeat offenders need to be banned. I do agree that it would be lovely to get some light guides but I doubt it will happen anytime soon. So do your part as a Endless Online players. Don't cheat, don't spread cheating, and don't be-friend cheaters. If more people would stand up and shun cheaters on global heck even harass them if need be. Anyone who cheats or spreads cheating is ruining the game for everyone.
One person can make a difference in the fight against cheaters. If you are cheating now even and reading this then quit. Why do you care so much at beating everyone else at a game? Cheaters are childish and they really need to grow up. I remember when I was very young and every time I played checkers with my mom I would try to cheat. But as I grew older I realized it wasn't fun to have a advantage. It is so much more rewarding when you beat that person fair and square. It makes the game have a purpose and rewards you with experience and self-satisfaction.
Lastly a few other non-related events. Adore a.k.a. DJ Dora and Niightshadow got married on the test server last night. Congratulations to the couple and best wishes. Danno is working on a excellent flash movie of his adventures in Endless so be sure to check that out here. Thats all for now.
Next up players have found a major exploit to break people out of jail. Whats the point of having a jail anymore if they can't keep the cheaters in. I really hope this gets fixed soon and the people exploiting this glitch on both sides the ones in jail too should be punished. I think a ip ban would do nicely for anyone that has broken out of jail and the people on the outside should be thrown in jail themselves. Wicked too I do not agree with his methods and it's causing more harm than good.
Now that there are a bunch more cheaters running around Endless I think more serious action should be taken. Repeat offenders need to be banned. I do agree that it would be lovely to get some light guides but I doubt it will happen anytime soon. So do your part as a Endless Online players. Don't cheat, don't spread cheating, and don't be-friend cheaters. If more people would stand up and shun cheaters on global heck even harass them if need be. Anyone who cheats or spreads cheating is ruining the game for everyone.
One person can make a difference in the fight against cheaters. If you are cheating now even and reading this then quit. Why do you care so much at beating everyone else at a game? Cheaters are childish and they really need to grow up. I remember when I was very young and every time I played checkers with my mom I would try to cheat. But as I grew older I realized it wasn't fun to have a advantage. It is so much more rewarding when you beat that person fair and square. It makes the game have a purpose and rewards you with experience and self-satisfaction.
Lastly a few other non-related events. Adore a.k.a. DJ Dora and Niightshadow got married on the test server last night. Congratulations to the couple and best wishes. Danno is working on a excellent flash movie of his adventures in Endless so be sure to check that out here. Thats all for now.
Monday, September 3, 2007
That's right! Today I married Lunavista. I simply proposed to her with a beautiful Luna stone at the ant forest, and she said yes following a sweet pixel kiss. We got married at hallowdale church with about 10 TRL members and some of lunavista's friends as an audience. After the wedding, we headed out to the beach for our honeymoon. Great day, great day. Short post today, but that's all I have to say. And good luck to all of the people going back to school tomorrow. Make sure you pay attention! ;)
Till next time,
Till next time,
Sunday, September 2, 2007
Ancient Wrath Quest Tips and Tricks
So I was reading the forum today(well I read the forum everyday) and I came across a topic in general discussion that has Ancient Wrath Quest Tips and Tricks. This should be very helpful, and I'm going to post it all right on here. ALL credit goes to Ancient Whisper. :)
1. A little hint for those who don't have Oron/Pwep/Fire Arrows yet -- When you have to collect 10 Dragon Wings for the quest, the Wraith lets you keep them. So don't buy extra wings for that Oron/Pwep/Fire Arrows.
2. When you need to kill 500 people in pk for the quest.. Don't waste your time in pk, just go buy 500 small pots and use them all. Your kill count goes up by 1 for every potion you drink. (This is a glitch, I think and may or may not be fixed.)
Thanks Ancient Whisper!
1. A little hint for those who don't have Oron/Pwep/Fire Arrows yet -- When you have to collect 10 Dragon Wings for the quest, the Wraith lets you keep them. So don't buy extra wings for that Oron/Pwep/Fire Arrows.
2. When you need to kill 500 people in pk for the quest.. Don't waste your time in pk, just go buy 500 small pots and use them all. Your kill count goes up by 1 for every potion you drink. (This is a glitch, I think and may or may not be fixed.)
Thanks Ancient Whisper!
Saturday, September 1, 2007
Jailing Spree
Well Arvid is finally taking action. He seems to be cleaning up the community. Mainly the targets are speeders, auto-trainers, and even players selling cheat websites. The jail is getting full with about 100 players getting jailed in the last two days. This is really great news because all those players that are getting jailed are just ruining the game for others. So head down to the jail and give a good long laugh at all the scum of Endless.

If you haven't noticed Arvid is already taking a verbal beating just for doing his job. So give him some encouragement and shun the people calling him names. Now most of these people calling him names are ironically mostly alternative characters of the people who got jailed. Instead of taking their punishment maturely they log on another character and insult the hand of justice. You may also notice people asking to get out and others asking for people in jail to be released they may even try to claim they didn't do anything wrong. Well folks Arvid doesn't jail players without a reason. "Don't commit the crime if you don't want to serve the time." Hopefully these players will be locked up for a long time and set a example so new players don't try to cheat.

Test gold for main.
I'm selling my test stuff for main stuff, the following will show exactly what I have: A little over 1.2M, Archery, H Eloff, and the "fashion" armors. For the 1.2M I have on test, I'm looking for about 800k-1.2m on main or so. So please comment this post if interested -OR- Pm me ingame on the test server.
Thank you and good day.
Thank you and good day.
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Nothing going on lately.
What the title says. There is really nothing going on within Endless-Online these past few days. Though the new version 28 items are getting lower, but I still suggest you to wait before you buy them, each and every one of them will be under 500k sooner or later.
Scav Bows- Yes, they have been discovered within thy endless-online! The "impossible" quest was finished and people can now get into the room from the ancient wraith. When somebody goes in, it opens up so other people can go in also. I hear the wraiths are invisible so it's nearly impossible to survive. Scav bows drop every 2-3 hours there, and their stats are 2-2 dmg and 4 agility I believe. I don't know for sure so it isn't official. Now for the price, scav bows are a whopping 10million gold. Seriously, these are WAY over priced. Once more people finish the impossible quest, more people will get scav bows. These scav bows should not be anymore then double the price of crossbows, seriously. Now that really is all of the news for endless-online, so I guess I shall go on about my day in new port rhode island.
Yesterday, I visited New Port, Rhode Island with my family. It was a splendid day! First off, we spent most of the day at newport beach. It included some fine relaxation, boogie boarding, surfing, looking for sea glass, eating those dang good boardwalk fries, and more. Ah, what a day. It had to be the most relaxing day of the whole summer. After that nice day at the beach, we drove down to this resteraunt called "Pier 49". It was awesome! There was a man up on stage singing and playing guitar while some people danced. We were right on the ocean, and I had my delicious fish and chips. Yum. After eating and taking pictures, we finally went home. What a day, what a day.
Well that is all for today on Eo-Times, stay tuned for more. On a side note, Nezlo has married Avamay Ingame, so do NOT forget to congratulate him! Congrats Nez.
That's all, folks.
Head of EOT
Scav Bows- Yes, they have been discovered within thy endless-online! The "impossible" quest was finished and people can now get into the room from the ancient wraith. When somebody goes in, it opens up so other people can go in also. I hear the wraiths are invisible so it's nearly impossible to survive. Scav bows drop every 2-3 hours there, and their stats are 2-2 dmg and 4 agility I believe. I don't know for sure so it isn't official. Now for the price, scav bows are a whopping 10million gold. Seriously, these are WAY over priced. Once more people finish the impossible quest, more people will get scav bows. These scav bows should not be anymore then double the price of crossbows, seriously. Now that really is all of the news for endless-online, so I guess I shall go on about my day in new port rhode island.
Yesterday, I visited New Port, Rhode Island with my family. It was a splendid day! First off, we spent most of the day at newport beach. It included some fine relaxation, boogie boarding, surfing, looking for sea glass, eating those dang good boardwalk fries, and more. Ah, what a day. It had to be the most relaxing day of the whole summer. After that nice day at the beach, we drove down to this resteraunt called "Pier 49". It was awesome! There was a man up on stage singing and playing guitar while some people danced. We were right on the ocean, and I had my delicious fish and chips. Yum. After eating and taking pictures, we finally went home. What a day, what a day.
Well that is all for today on Eo-Times, stay tuned for more. On a side note, Nezlo has married Avamay Ingame, so do NOT forget to congratulate him! Congrats Nez.
That's all, folks.
Head of EOT
Friday, August 24, 2007
Ice Radio
Most of you know what Ice radio is, so I mine as well not explain it. Though I just added it to the blog so you can tune in right here at endless-times. Enjoy!
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Sometimes I just want to leave Endless-Online for good.
Look at the title. Here is what happened today that made me furious. So I was at the event arena and decided to hold a couple events, so I had a 5k race, a 10k quiz event, and a DB scavenger hunt. It turned out well and I met a few cool people which I sort of became friends with. After hanging with them for a while, I decided to make a movie for Endless-Times and they offered to help. So we started making one for a little while, then comes a faggot wanting to take over the movie. He's telling me what to do and shit while I'm getting everything ready. So I just explode at him and tell him to shut the hell up, then of course he does what I specifically fucking hate. "omg shuttup u newb" that's when I just gave up and felt like shooting somebody. I said,"Okay, what version did you join?" He says v19, yet he doesnt have a title.(classic). He says he never went to the arena, you know what I say? Bullcrap. Now here's the other thing that happened. I was at the mini arena and was talking to some guy and we sort of became friends. After talking for a while, I asked him what level he was. Here's where it began. He says,"Level 5, and you?" I say 15. He asks to pk, but i say no thanks cause that would be totally unfair. Then he starts calling me a chicken and shit so I look at the online list and notice that he's level 16. I tell him that he's level 16, and he asked me what version I joined. I tell him I joined v22, and he says,"I joined v26 and I'm a higher level then u!" I tell him that I simply do not train, I don't like it. So he tells me,"omg do u hav a dissability? omg! i jnd b4 u and im a hier levl haha! newb!". I start to explain how level doesnt matter and it counts if you joined earlier, but he continues to be a immature faggot who cant hold a conversation, just like the other people.
Now to sum this up, everybody on endless needs friggen social help. You see, I talk like how I would in real life, how I act, and more. Other people act friendly then start being a bitchy faggot and call you a newb. I think I'm starting to give up on EO just cause there's so much more wrong with it.
Now to sum this up, everybody on endless needs friggen social help. You see, I talk like how I would in real life, how I act, and more. Other people act friendly then start being a bitchy faggot and call you a newb. I think I'm starting to give up on EO just cause there's so much more wrong with it.
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Archiveeo.co.nr stealing from Endless-Times
That's right, these idiots have been stealing information from Endless-Times.
Proof? Why sure.
First of all, go to http://www.archiveeo.co.nr/ and go to news. The first post is exactly the same as my previous post even with the same exact image urls. To top that off, they even wrote,"The top headline for endless-times", wow, they're making it so obvious. They could of at least not made it word for word and used different images. At the end of it, it has Annaconda, which is bull. I wrote all of that myself. Next, go to quests on archiveeo.co.nr. They have the same exact v28c guide that Knight/DF wrote for Eo-times. They didn't even give him credit. If you don't know where they copied it from, just scroll down a little ways on this blog.
Now, I need help. I need archiveeo.co.nr taken down immediatly for stealing information. If any of you can help me, PLEASE pm me on the forums (xtremepunkx), or comment right here. Thank you, and I'll be looking forward to your responses.
Proof? Why sure.
First of all, go to http://www.archiveeo.co.nr/ and go to news. The first post is exactly the same as my previous post even with the same exact image urls. To top that off, they even wrote,"The top headline for endless-times", wow, they're making it so obvious. They could of at least not made it word for word and used different images. At the end of it, it has Annaconda, which is bull. I wrote all of that myself. Next, go to quests on archiveeo.co.nr. They have the same exact v28c guide that Knight/DF wrote for Eo-times. They didn't even give him credit. If you don't know where they copied it from, just scroll down a little ways on this blog.
Now, I need help. I need archiveeo.co.nr taken down immediatly for stealing information. If any of you can help me, PLEASE pm me on the forums (xtremepunkx), or comment right here. Thank you, and I'll be looking forward to your responses.
Monday, August 20, 2007
Calan leaving, and more.
The top headline for Endless Times today is that Calan left yesterday and had a major drop party. Almost everybody including me thought it was a fraud but showed up anyways to see what it was about. Anyways, He ended up dropping Around 30 or so baru and a couple piles of 1000k. At the end, he got pissed that everybody was crowding around him so he couldnt move, so he logged off. I ended up getting 1M from not even trying, he basically dropped it under me. Well, farewell calan. We will NOT miss you, and we'll hate you even more when you show up next year for your little visit.
Here are some images from the event:


Well that's it for the news for calan, now I have a little rant for the economy.
Most of you know that Fire and Frost arrows just came out, and frost arrows are becoming popular to craft, and everybody's trying to get them. Now, why are frost arrows more expensive then Twin Blades? Lets see here, people are paying 30k per ice cube, yet a TB is only about what, 150k? A TB costs 60 ice cubes, yet it's still 150k while people are paying 30k per ice cube.
Frost arrows are over 1m and cost less Ice cubes then TB. Wow, this makes so much sense.
My advice: Do not buy these arrows yet, or ice cubes for 30k each. This is a ridiculous price and will gradually get lower, don't waste your money! That goes the same for all of the other new version stuff, just wait a little while before you start to craft/buy anything, it's way too expensive now.
Well that's it for today, stay tuned for next time!
Creator of EOT
Here are some images from the event:


Well that's it for the news for calan, now I have a little rant for the economy.
Most of you know that Fire and Frost arrows just came out, and frost arrows are becoming popular to craft, and everybody's trying to get them. Now, why are frost arrows more expensive then Twin Blades? Lets see here, people are paying 30k per ice cube, yet a TB is only about what, 150k? A TB costs 60 ice cubes, yet it's still 150k while people are paying 30k per ice cube.
Frost arrows are over 1m and cost less Ice cubes then TB. Wow, this makes so much sense.
My advice: Do not buy these arrows yet, or ice cubes for 30k each. This is a ridiculous price and will gradually get lower, don't waste your money! That goes the same for all of the other new version stuff, just wait a little while before you start to craft/buy anything, it's way too expensive now.
Well that's it for today, stay tuned for next time!
Creator of EOT
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Version 28
It just came out not much is different from v.28C. Frost and Fire arrows can be crafted at Halowdale and there is a new quest. The stats on fire arrows are 2-6 damage and 4 accuracy, and the stats for frost arrows are 2-2 damage and 4 accuracy.
Frost Arrow Ingredients
10 Normal Arrows
32 Ice Gems
42 Ice Cubes
Fire Arrow Ingredients
10 Normal Arrow
25 Fire Crystals
6 Dragon Claws
6 Dragon Wings
Ancient Wraith Quest
Talk to the Wraith in the back room of the last floor of the haunted house. He will ask you to take some tests to earn a key so you can open those spooky looking doors. First you will kill the reaper then go back and talk to him. Then you kill the Anundo Ninja Leader and go back. Then the Octo and back again. Finally Apozen and back. Then collect 100 piggies and report back again. Now get 100 snake teeth report back. Next 100 Tenba Bags and report again. Now 100 Imp Stings and report back. This quest is truly insane so hopefully there is a good reward. If you know the next step after imp stings let me know. The rewards is the Wraith Key and inside the room are a bunch of Ancient Wraiths that drop Scav Bows. This has yet to be confirmed.
Since some of you can't read for the rest of version 28 go here.
Update 28C
Version 28A Guide
Frost Arrow Ingredients
10 Normal Arrows
32 Ice Gems
42 Ice Cubes
Fire Arrow Ingredients
10 Normal Arrow
25 Fire Crystals
6 Dragon Claws
6 Dragon Wings
Ancient Wraith Quest
Talk to the Wraith in the back room of the last floor of the haunted house. He will ask you to take some tests to earn a key so you can open those spooky looking doors. First you will kill the reaper then go back and talk to him. Then you kill the Anundo Ninja Leader and go back. Then the Octo and back again. Finally Apozen and back. Then collect 100 piggies and report back again. Now get 100 snake teeth report back. Next 100 Tenba Bags and report again. Now 100 Imp Stings and report back. This quest is truly insane so hopefully there is a good reward. If you know the next step after imp stings let me know. The rewards is the Wraith Key and inside the room are a bunch of Ancient Wraiths that drop Scav Bows. This has yet to be confirmed.
Since some of you can't read for the rest of version 28 go here.
Update 28C
Version 28A Guide
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Protest + Guild Ranking!
New day, new things to talk about. Lets start with the protest.
Apparently, yesterday Arvid gave Calan a Chef hat. For those who don't know who calan is, I'll make it simple. Calan is probably the most untrustworthy person on Endless-Online. He has hacked many good soul accounts(People who didn't deserve to be hacked), he abused bugs then reported them to the admins and the admins gave him stuff for reporting the bugs. Plus he duplicated millions. Calan is not a good person, stay away from him as much as possible. Anyways, the protest was about Calan being banned/jailed because of everything he has done. The way they did it was block the Malone Outlet Bridge and the Bridge at estaq. It kept getting bigger and bigger untill once in the middle I believe Arvid made it so if you were on the map for 20 seconds you will be sent to jail or the maze. It's not like that anymore, so people are still protesting to this minute. What do I have to say? Ban him, jail him, delete him, delete his alts, do whatever. I just want Calan out of this game forever. He does not deserve to play when he's cheating the whole time. Ah, something will happen sooner or later.
Now for guild rankings, it's very simple for those guild leaders who can't rank. All you need to do is visit the Test server outpost: http://test.endless-online.com/ and download v27c (I believe it's supposed to be v27b, but it's not a big deal.) Once it's downloaded and installed, you just need to switch it to the main server at setup, and you're ready to go. Good luck with your ranking!
So-long and till next time.
Apparently, yesterday Arvid gave Calan a Chef hat. For those who don't know who calan is, I'll make it simple. Calan is probably the most untrustworthy person on Endless-Online. He has hacked many good soul accounts(People who didn't deserve to be hacked), he abused bugs then reported them to the admins and the admins gave him stuff for reporting the bugs. Plus he duplicated millions. Calan is not a good person, stay away from him as much as possible. Anyways, the protest was about Calan being banned/jailed because of everything he has done. The way they did it was block the Malone Outlet Bridge and the Bridge at estaq. It kept getting bigger and bigger untill once in the middle I believe Arvid made it so if you were on the map for 20 seconds you will be sent to jail or the maze. It's not like that anymore, so people are still protesting to this minute. What do I have to say? Ban him, jail him, delete him, delete his alts, do whatever. I just want Calan out of this game forever. He does not deserve to play when he's cheating the whole time. Ah, something will happen sooner or later.
Now for guild rankings, it's very simple for those guild leaders who can't rank. All you need to do is visit the Test server outpost: http://test.endless-online.com/ and download v27c (I believe it's supposed to be v27b, but it's not a big deal.) Once it's downloaded and installed, you just need to switch it to the main server at setup, and you're ready to go. Good luck with your ranking!
So-long and till next time.
Monday, August 13, 2007
Intervew with Gaffar!
That's right, I met up with that fellow old player of endless-online to interview him for the one and only, Endless Times! Lets begin.
(Key: X= Me, G= Gaffar)
X: Do you think endless is going down the drain or do you think it has time to become a great game? Explain.
G: Well, I kind of go with both. Endless is going down the drain in terms of community, since half of the community is filled with 12 year old bastards.
X: I could not agree anymore.
G: I did think the game was better in the older versions like Version 15-v17, but theres more things to do in these new versions... Like quests and stuff.
X: So basicly you're saying the game itself is getting better but the community is getting worst.
G: Yeah, sprites look better and theres new and cooler weapons and armors.
X: If you were to become an Administrator for a week, what exactly would you do in that 1 week?(such as jailing, banning, etc.)
G: I'd probably watch the arena to see if anybody is holding it up, and I would run around with my elder robes and make people chase me.
X: Lol
Bluetails in the corner: Rofl
G: And I'd do events. Not boring and gay ones like Mizzys, funner ones.
X: Would you actually clean up the community? Like scammers and such?
G: Well yeah, I would put each person who did that in jail for a month so then they could learn their lesson. If there was duping going on, I would obviously investigate on it.
X: If there was one person you would want to be an admin, who would it be?
G: Probably wickedfrost.
X: No need to explain, that's the most common answer. :)
G: I was about to say that.
X: Well we're all done here, do you have anything else to say?
G: Yes, I do. Even though the lounge on the EO Forum is ruined, there's still some cool people around. And I'm glad that some people who used to be annoying, changed.
X: Alright, thanks for your time, Gaffar.
G: No problemo!
If you would like to be interviewed, please private message me on the forum or pm me ingame. So long!
(Key: X= Me, G= Gaffar)
X: Do you think endless is going down the drain or do you think it has time to become a great game? Explain.
G: Well, I kind of go with both. Endless is going down the drain in terms of community, since half of the community is filled with 12 year old bastards.
X: I could not agree anymore.
G: I did think the game was better in the older versions like Version 15-v17, but theres more things to do in these new versions... Like quests and stuff.
X: So basicly you're saying the game itself is getting better but the community is getting worst.
G: Yeah, sprites look better and theres new and cooler weapons and armors.
X: If you were to become an Administrator for a week, what exactly would you do in that 1 week?(such as jailing, banning, etc.)
G: I'd probably watch the arena to see if anybody is holding it up, and I would run around with my elder robes and make people chase me.
X: Lol
Bluetails in the corner: Rofl
G: And I'd do events. Not boring and gay ones like Mizzys, funner ones.
X: Would you actually clean up the community? Like scammers and such?
G: Well yeah, I would put each person who did that in jail for a month so then they could learn their lesson. If there was duping going on, I would obviously investigate on it.
X: If there was one person you would want to be an admin, who would it be?
G: Probably wickedfrost.
X: No need to explain, that's the most common answer. :)
G: I was about to say that.
X: Well we're all done here, do you have anything else to say?
G: Yes, I do. Even though the lounge on the EO Forum is ruined, there's still some cool people around. And I'm glad that some people who used to be annoying, changed.
X: Alright, thanks for your time, Gaffar.
G: No problemo!
If you would like to be interviewed, please private message me on the forum or pm me ingame. So long!
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Endless Times Grand Opening
Many of you have seen the post on the forums, and we are very proud to release Endless Times. First things first, the 3 authors are Xtremepunkx, Megamoogle, and Knight.
Us 3 endless-online players have been playing eo for quite a while and promise you to give you the inside scoop, tips, and more about endless-online.
First of all, I will give you a heads up on the 3 authors.
1. Xtremepunkx
Joined: V22
Creator, author, and head of endless times.
2. Megamoogle/Tyaki
Joined: V12 ( ? )
Graphics artist and partial author of endless-times.
3. Knight/ DF
Joined: V8
Author of Endless-Times.
Please stay tuned for more updates, Yet I will happilly give you a sneak peak.
The future will contain many more guides (in the works), new flashy graphics to add on to the current ones, and much much more. Please stay tuned!
Creator of Endless-Times
Us 3 endless-online players have been playing eo for quite a while and promise you to give you the inside scoop, tips, and more about endless-online.
First of all, I will give you a heads up on the 3 authors.
1. Xtremepunkx
Joined: V22
Creator, author, and head of endless times.
2. Megamoogle/Tyaki
Joined: V12 ( ? )
Graphics artist and partial author of endless-times.
3. Knight/ DF
Joined: V8
Author of Endless-Times.
Please stay tuned for more updates, Yet I will happilly give you a sneak peak.
The future will contain many more guides (in the works), new flashy graphics to add on to the current ones, and much much more. Please stay tuned!
Creator of Endless-Times
Version 28C Update
First off make sure you have v28C and not B. You will have trouble seeing new things if you don't have C. You can get the latest client from the test server outpost.
Male Tebar can be found in the male clothing store in Aeven for 8,800 gold.

Next Oran and Orona can be crafted at Rauchel. He is at the Lake near the Centaur Village.

Can be crafted at the female clothing store in Aeven.

New Monster Drops
Tenba - Tenba Bag
Dragon - Dragon Wing and Dragon Claw
Fish - Fish
Nutviper - Viper Eye
Piglet - Piggy
Esping - Sping
Aqua Han - Flombie
Flowy - Flowie
King Triddian a Merman?
Two statues have been added at the Aeven Temple. They look like Royal Merpeople. Could King Triddian and his lady be a dweller of the deep? Or is this some kind of hoax?

Pig Farmer and Hamster
At the house by the pig farm is the owner a friendly npc who doesn't do anything yet. However his hamster can be killed and gives 20 exp.

Now for the Monkey Island quest. Which can be started by talking to the young pirate at Aeven Port.

Tell him you don't believe him. He will ask you to take a test finish talking to him and head to the pirate captain. If you have already started the other pirate quest click the minimize button in the top right corner. Now you have two options for this quest. Discover the secret of Atlantis or kill a Octopus.
Atlantis Option
Head to Atlantis through the Death Cave and down the ruins passage. They give 20 exp now. Head down to the southern house and enter. Go to the back of the house and enter the basement. Then head south and you will see a book walk up to it.

Now head back to the pirate captain.
Octopus Option
Head over to the ant area and enter the level four dungeon. Once inside go to the back and to the Octo's lair. Kill the Octo then head back and talk to the captain.
Killing Rats for ye Captain
Now the captain wants you to kill 30 rats so he can sleep more soundly at night. Walk around the docks once you have killed 30 of them head back and talk to the captain. He will tell you your a real pirate now. Head over to the young pirate.
Pirate Test
Be careful don't answer wrong or you will have to start the quest over. The answers are Jolly Roger, double share, and always open.
Monkey Island
After finish the test the pirate takes you to monkey island. You will notice two new creatues apes and monkeys. Be careful Apes are aggressive and 66exp and Monkeys are passive and give 36exp. Apes also drop Bananas. Now head up to the hut in the upper right hand corner of the island. There you will meet a lost hungry pirate. Go kill and get 10 fish and bring them back. He will tell you the riddle where you find the ruins of the old island temple and walk in a bunch of directions. If you are to lazy look at the image below and walk on the spot with the potion. It brings you into a chamber. Your reward is a Pirate Cap and 1,600 gold.

Now once you leave the island you can never go back and the pirate cap is lore. After you left the island go talk to the Captain and he will give you 800 exp for finishing the quest.
Susan has a Tenba Problem
Kill 60 Tenba's for Susan. Your reward is simple a hug and 2,500 exp. This quest is repeatable. A huge thanks goes to Niightshadow for giving me the Susan quest information.
PeriPeri Farm
Head south of the goat farm and you will come across a bunch of fruit & vegetable patches with moles. Go inside and talk to the owner she will ask you to kill 50 moles. After you finish talk go outside and get to "whack a' moling". After you finish go back inside and she will give you 2,000 exp as a reward. This quest is repeatable.
Male Tebar can be found in the male clothing store in Aeven for 8,800 gold.

Next Oran and Orona can be crafted at Rauchel. He is at the Lake near the Centaur Village.

Can be crafted at the female clothing store in Aeven.

New Monster Drops
Tenba - Tenba Bag
Dragon - Dragon Wing and Dragon Claw
Fish - Fish
Nutviper - Viper Eye
Piglet - Piggy
Esping - Sping
Aqua Han - Flombie
Flowy - Flowie
King Triddian a Merman?
Two statues have been added at the Aeven Temple. They look like Royal Merpeople. Could King Triddian and his lady be a dweller of the deep? Or is this some kind of hoax?

Pig Farmer and Hamster
At the house by the pig farm is the owner a friendly npc who doesn't do anything yet. However his hamster can be killed and gives 20 exp.

Now for the Monkey Island quest. Which can be started by talking to the young pirate at Aeven Port.

Tell him you don't believe him. He will ask you to take a test finish talking to him and head to the pirate captain. If you have already started the other pirate quest click the minimize button in the top right corner. Now you have two options for this quest. Discover the secret of Atlantis or kill a Octopus.
Atlantis Option
Head to Atlantis through the Death Cave and down the ruins passage. They give 20 exp now. Head down to the southern house and enter. Go to the back of the house and enter the basement. Then head south and you will see a book walk up to it.

Now head back to the pirate captain.
Octopus Option
Head over to the ant area and enter the level four dungeon. Once inside go to the back and to the Octo's lair. Kill the Octo then head back and talk to the captain.
Killing Rats for ye Captain
Now the captain wants you to kill 30 rats so he can sleep more soundly at night. Walk around the docks once you have killed 30 of them head back and talk to the captain. He will tell you your a real pirate now. Head over to the young pirate.
Pirate Test
Be careful don't answer wrong or you will have to start the quest over. The answers are Jolly Roger, double share, and always open.
Monkey Island
After finish the test the pirate takes you to monkey island. You will notice two new creatues apes and monkeys. Be careful Apes are aggressive and 66exp and Monkeys are passive and give 36exp. Apes also drop Bananas. Now head up to the hut in the upper right hand corner of the island. There you will meet a lost hungry pirate. Go kill and get 10 fish and bring them back. He will tell you the riddle where you find the ruins of the old island temple and walk in a bunch of directions. If you are to lazy look at the image below and walk on the spot with the potion. It brings you into a chamber. Your reward is a Pirate Cap and 1,600 gold.

Now once you leave the island you can never go back and the pirate cap is lore. After you left the island go talk to the Captain and he will give you 800 exp for finishing the quest.
Susan has a Tenba Problem
Kill 60 Tenba's for Susan. Your reward is simple a hug and 2,500 exp. This quest is repeatable. A huge thanks goes to Niightshadow for giving me the Susan quest information.
PeriPeri Farm
Head south of the goat farm and you will come across a bunch of fruit & vegetable patches with moles. Go inside and talk to the owner she will ask you to kill 50 moles. After you finish talk go outside and get to "whack a' moling". After you finish go back inside and she will give you 2,000 exp as a reward. This quest is repeatable.
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Thursday, August 9, 2007
Knight added as an author + new guide
After enough hard work, I finally finished the secret area guide. Hopefully it will be helpful for all of you people who don't know this stuff, which is probably a lot. I will be working on the next few guides over the weekend then after megamoogle has finished most of the graphics and such, we can start to advertise/tell other people about the blog. In more recent news, Kangasaru; a local member of ROX volunteered to draw a picture for the blog, so lets give her hand. I must not forget, Knight has been added as an author. Hopefully things will turn out fine and we'll see how it goes.
Secret Routes and Areas

The void is the area which brings you to the Red Room, Void of Fire, and the Beach Void.
To get there, visit the top right corner of Aeven and walk down the stairs into the sewer. Now just follow the video and you'll be there!
(The video MAY take a little while to load, so please don't post any complaints on it not working, it's just loading.)
Great, you're at the void *wipe sweat*, we can now get to the main attractions!
(note: You can always buy a void scroll for about 250gold, but I say it's better for you to learn how to get there.)

The void of fire is one of the most common hidden areas, it's relaxing, and a nice place to warm up with the little fire in the middle. Lets get there fast before the fire is out!
1. You're in the void and ready to go, the first step is to simply walk down the stairs and turn on the map. DO NOT move, and follow the instructions completely. (note: Do it FAST, or you'll be teleported to the red room)
2. Go up 12 spaces and you will be in a different.. black map.
3. Go down 8 spaces, then go right.
4. You are now on a new black map, go right 7 spaces then go down.
5. From this spot on, follow the wall that says only level 240 can enter, and then you will be teleported to this blue path. Just follow the path untill you reach the end. Once at the end, you will be teleported to the void of fire!
Have fun and relax, or just sit in the fire.

The exits bring you to the normal eo beach.

The beach void is just like a deserted island. You can relax, bring friends, and have a nice relaxing day on a island. Now how to get there? No problem! Make sure you start out at the void by following the guide above. Remember: Up means the up arrow, down means the down arrow, etc. Some people can get easilly confused by that because of the isometric style of endless.
Go 12 up, 8 down, 1 right, 8 right, 1 up, 8 left, 1 down, 2 down, 2 down, 2 right, 2 right, 2 up, 2 up, 2 left, 2 left, 2 down, and 2 down. To make it easier, copy and paste this in your chatbox so you can look at it while you go:
12 u, 8 d, 1 r, 8 r, 1 u, 8 l, 1 d, 2 d, 2 d, 2 r, 2 r, 2 u, 2 u, 2 l, 2 l, 2 d, 2 d.
Voila, you're at the beach void!
Second beach-
This one is almost identical, all you do is follow the path in this screenshot from the first beach:

The following is the picture of the SECOND beach:

They're pretty much identical. There's rumors that there is a 3rd beach, but who knows? Maybe YOU can unlock the mystery.

It turns out that the old citizens of the Abandoned Goat Farm left us something.. something secret. We're going to call it a sort of shortcut. The first thing you want to do is head to the abandoned goat farm. It's south west of Estaq, and you can get there by following the signs. Once you are there, go around the goat farm behind the fence. You will notice a river north, follow that river going left till you get to the way corner, then view this screenshot to get to the short maze-type thing:

Walk into where it says "here", and you are inside the maze.
When you are in the maze, you are doing the same thing over and over again. According to the following screenshot, follow the white arrow till the path starts to change:

Do not worry, if you mess up, you can start from the beginning, and the whole thing isn't long at all. At the end of this path, you will notice a change and have no idea which way to go, follow the white path according to this next screenshot:

Great, once you enter you are in the back of a vacant castle shop. The 2 chests spawn charms every few minutes, so be sure to pick one up before you go!(if there isn't a crowd waiting).
Now to leave, follow the white path according to this next screenshot:

And there you go, once you have exited you will appear in the arena hall, this area to be exact:

Congratulations, you have just discovered a secret route! Good job.

This is one of the well known secret routes, but some of you may not know it. What the hey, lets get on with it ! :)
Go to the first room of the castle and go all the way back behind the throne and the two other chairs till you hit the wall. BE CAREFULL from kings, they are very slow. helpful tip: do not go afk(away from keyboard) in this room, a king is bound to kill you. Don't leave EO up period if you're even gone for 5 minutes, i once left for a couple minutes and my sister put my crossbow on the ground. Luckily nobody was in that area and I came back quick enough to pick it up. Anyways, back to the guide. So once you are in the way back of this first room, follow the white line for a shortcut to aeven center(white line in the screenshot). Note: you have to be level 2 ( ? ) to use this shortcut, but im guessing you already are.

Once you follow the white line, you will appear in this exact spot in Aeven City:

Please note that this shortcut is only worth it if you're inside the castle already.

This one is quite simple and many new players use this route by accident, so this is more of a warning then a route for most people.
1. Visit the Hallowdale church
2. Go up to the stage and hold down the up arrow till you hit the up wall, then go left.
Once you go left enough into the stage, you will poof to the Estaq bank.
Luckily, that is all. :)
Thank you for reading this guide and I hope you stay tuned to read the blog each and every day. So long!
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