It just came out not much is different from v.28C. Frost and Fire arrows can be crafted at Halowdale and there is a new quest. The stats on fire arrows are 2-6 damage and 4 accuracy, and the stats for frost arrows are 2-2 damage and 4 accuracy.
Frost Arrow Ingredients
10 Normal Arrows
32 Ice Gems
42 Ice Cubes
Fire Arrow Ingredients
10 Normal Arrow
25 Fire Crystals
6 Dragon Claws
6 Dragon Wings
Ancient Wraith Quest
Talk to the Wraith in the back room of the last floor of the haunted house. He will ask you to take some tests to earn a key so you can open those spooky looking doors. First you will kill the reaper then go back and talk to him. Then you kill the Anundo Ninja Leader and go back. Then the Octo and back again. Finally Apozen and back. Then collect 100 piggies and report back again. Now get 100 snake teeth report back. Next 100 Tenba Bags and report again. Now 100 Imp Stings and report back. This quest is truly insane so hopefully there is a good reward. If you know the next step after imp stings let me know. The rewards is the Wraith Key and inside the room are a bunch of Ancient Wraiths that drop Scav Bows. This has yet to be confirmed.
Since some of you can't read for the rest of version 28 go here.
Update 28C
Version 28A Guide

Saturday, August 18, 2007
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so he finally came out with the fire/frost arrows wow i wonder whats the stats are on them oh well ill go craft frost arrows later
oh i wish that pass recovery will be fixed coz my newb acc got my best weapons/items wishing to fixed the pass recovery and i love the new items!1
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