As the title says this truly is madness lately in Endless. First off Vult-r logged on opening up the jail doors for a short time releasing most of the cheaters that were jailed the previous days. Arvid worked so hard I'm sure to track down all those people and jail them. So what is Vult really thinking is what I would like to know. He has never really been the type to tell the Endless community what he is thinking. One thing I wish Vult would do is give us reasoning for his actions. I hope there is a method to his madness or he will at least learn from his recent mistakes.
Next up players have found a major exploit to break people out of jail. Whats the point of having a jail anymore if they can't keep the cheaters in. I really hope this gets fixed soon and the people exploiting this glitch on both sides the ones in jail too should be punished. I think a ip ban would do nicely for anyone that has broken out of jail and the people on the outside should be thrown in jail themselves. Wicked too I do not agree with his methods and it's causing more harm than good.
Now that there are a bunch more cheaters running around Endless I think more serious action should be taken. Repeat offenders need to be banned. I do agree that it would be lovely to get some light guides but I doubt it will happen anytime soon. So do your part as a Endless Online players. Don't cheat, don't spread cheating, and don't be-friend cheaters. If more people would stand up and shun cheaters on global heck even harass them if need be. Anyone who cheats or spreads cheating is ruining the game for everyone.
One person can make a difference in the fight against cheaters. If you are cheating now even and reading this then quit. Why do you care so much at beating everyone else at a game? Cheaters are childish and they really need to grow up. I remember when I was very young and every time I played checkers with my mom I would try to cheat. But as I grew older I realized it wasn't fun to have a advantage. It is so much more rewarding when you beat that person fair and square. It makes the game have a purpose and rewards you with experience and self-satisfaction.
Lastly a few other non-related events. Adore a.k.a. DJ Dora and Niightshadow got married on the test server last night. Congratulations to the couple and best wishes. Danno is working on a excellent flash movie of his adventures in Endless so be sure to check that out here. Thats all for now.

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I make your words mine, thats exactly how im feeling right now.. and i really dont understand Vultr lately =/ ..I hope all this situation improves, if it was time for getting lightguides, youve my vote.
Thank you for the congratulations, Knight =)
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